YSF’s Spring Open House

Hello All – we are trying to cover all our bases in getting the word out on our Spring Open House.  Here is the info:

What:  Yellow Stonehouse Farm Spring Open House.  Tour the farm, meet the farmers Connie and John, see our market, check out the fields and flowers, the greenhouses and our latest farm projects; sample early Spring vegetables (if available), tour the back 50 and see beaver dams, vernal pools, turtle nesting areas, the Manhan River and a ton of birds.

When:  May 14, 2016  10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Where:  Yellow Stonehouse Farm, 354 Root Road, Westfield, MA  01085

Telephone:  413-562-2164

How:  Check out our Facebook page where we have created an event and let us know you are coming.

Hope to see you there!

Connie and John


On Being Organic & Healthy – more on why Yellow Stonehouse Farm is Organic


When John and I defined our vision for Yellow Stonehouse Farm, we had these goals:

  • Work together and for ourselves doing enjoyable work in a beautiful, low stress environment.
  • Improve the farm and bring it to its full potential.
  • Be good stewards of the land. Cherish the natural beauty, resources & wildlife of the farm.
  • Enjoy a healthy, outdoor lifestyle on the farm.

A big goal was to be healthier, which meant farming and growing vegetables organically, as we didn’t want to use and expose ourselves to anything toxic.  We figured that if something can kill insects and weeds then it probably isn’t very good for us either!

John and I are risk averse and believe in prevention.  We don’t take unnecessary chances – especially with something as important as our health and the health of others.  Here’s our rationale: if we can eliminate a risk and still obtain a satisfactory result, go ahead and eliminate the risk!  We also don’t think enough testing is done on herbicides & pesticides and we aren’t willing to take chances with insufficiently tested products. Bottom line –  we don’t use herbicides or insecticides.

Insecticides are an obvious hazard (they are poisons) but there is increasing scientific evidence that herbicides are hazardous to human health on a cellular level.  Researchers have found evidence of impacts on the brain, nervous systems and blood of humans, and it is the youngest among us that are the most vulnerable.  It’s one reason we are pleased to have many families as members – plus it’s fun teaching children about where their food comes from.

It’s a big effort to wage our annual organic battle against the weeds and pests.  We use lots of ground cloth and transplant thousands of seedlings to win the race against weeds and use torches to kill the weeds that survive. We rotate vegetables and plant cover crops to interrupt the life cycles of pests. We employ natural predators like Lady Bugs and Praying Mantis against unwanted insects such as aphids, and hand pick some pests like Tomato worms.  We use plants to encourage beneficial insects and also to repel unwanted ones.  We also hand weed and cultivate many, many rows of vegetables!

Being organic isn’t easier but it’s worth it for our health and that of our shareholders!  Next time I’ll talk about how we became Westfield’s first USDA Certified Organic farm.

On Being Organic – why Yellow Stonehouse Farm is Westfield’s first Certified Organic Farm

This week’s topic is Yellow Stonehouse Farm’s embrace of Organic Farming as Westfield’s first organically certified Farm.  Farming Organically while maintaining the land sustainably is an integral piece of our approach to farming, food, and stewardship of the land, and it’s been our way of life for many years.

Why?  The answer is cumulative and begins with learning to grow vegetables as children – when (and yes this ages us) there wasn’t an array of insecticides, herbicides or weed killers, chemical fertilizers and the like.  Instead we weeded rows of vegetables, picked off tomato worms and Japanese beetles, used grass clippings and newspaper to suppress weeds and our neighbor’s horse or cow manure as fertilizer.

Coincidentally, we enjoyed an abundance of bees, birds, butterflies, wild flowers and animals.

You see, the problem with the insecticides is they kill ALL the bugs not just the bad ones.  So you may be getting rid of the Japanese beetles but you’re also killing the lady bugs, praying mantises, lace wings and butterflies.  When you use herbicides, you kill every plant – not just the weeds (what is a weed anyway?) but the Milkweed, wild flowers, and other native plants.

Indiscriminately killing off swaths of plants and insects deprive other plants, insects, birds and animals the food they need to survive.  A recent example is the Monarch Butterfly:  current farming and landscaping practices promote killing all weeds in a field, lawn or golf course, but this also kills off Milkweed.  As a result, Monarch butterfly larvae don’t have a food source which is directly contributing to the population crash of Eastern Monarchs in recent years – though paving over many of the green spaces in Northeast metropolitan areas is also a critical factor.  One of the saddest things I have ever seen was a lone Monarch butterfly flying through the concrete jungle in NYC – without a nectar source or flower in sight.

A huge benefit of organic farming are healthy ecosystems.  At Yellow Stonehouse Farm, we enjoy a robust ecosystem where bats feast on and control mosquitoes, ladybugs eat aphids and other plant eating pests, birds eat beetles and other predatory insects, and the wild flowers including Milkweed attract and support bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects.  Our vegetables are amazingly pest free!

Spring is when nature comes roaring back to life – and we get to enjoy it’s exuberant blossoming because we don’t interfere in the natural cycle.  Next time, we’ll write about Organic Farming’s health benefits for humans and why our organic vegetable CSA is so popular.

Welcome to Farming Matters

PhotoPad Image Editor PrintingHello and welcome to Farming Matters.  I am Connie Adams, one of the farmers along with my husband John at Yellow Stonehouse Farm on Root Rd in Westfield, near the Southampton town line.  John and I have been growing vegetables, herbs and flowers for shareholders of the farm CSA for five years.

CSA’s – aka Community Supported Agriculture – are a way for farms to sell vegetables directly to local consumers, a model developed in Great Barrington, MA in the 1980’s. The CSA model is now popular throughout the USA as a way for people to connect with farms, know where their food comes from and how it is grown.

CSA’s involve a farmer who grows enough vegetables to amply meet the needs of the number of shares sold prior to the season, usually limited to a fixed number of members who pick-up their allotment of local produce throughout the growing season from June 8th till October 22nd.  The farmer/shareholder arrangement provides the farmer with a predictable number of customers for planning purposes, plus a dependable revenue stream, in exchange for the farm’s commitment to provide fresh, varied, abundant and delicious produce.

We decided to start the CSA as way to continue the farm as an agricultural enterprise!  It’s been a farm since the early 1800’s, operated as a dairy until the 1990’s, and is a beautiful property designated as a Natural Heritage Agricultural and Endangered Species Landscape.
We think farms are important to maintain open space, protect native plants, animals and insects and most importantly to provide a local source of food.  Our goal is to develop the farm as a successful enterprise that continues into the future.

The purpose of this column is to talk about Farming Matters – because farming and where our food comes from, matters to all of us.  I’ll write about what’s going on at the farm, vegetables & recipes, health benefits of organic herbs & vegetables, wildlife, organic pest & weed control, flowers & herbs – you get the idea.

At this time of the year we are organizing planting plans and starting seeds.  One of the reasons we sell CSA memberships prior to the season, is to allow us to plan and organize how much to plant.  We then order seeds to provide shareholders with a variety of organic vegetables from June through October.  We start most crops as seedlings rather than sowing directly into the fields to ensure reliable seed germination and so we can plant the seedlings when they are larger to better compete with weeds. This is important as we are USDA certified organic and don’t use any herbicides or pesticides.

Spring is coming soon and we are looking forward to eating fresh vegetables from our fields.  We can’t wait for the asparagus, lettuce, pea’s, & radishes!  We still have a few CSA shares left, preferably for local residents.  If you are interested, please go to our website www.yellowstonehousefarmcsa.com or call us at the farm 413-562-2164.